Croatia,  Europe,  Travel

Why Korcula Island should be on your Croatia itinerary

Korcula: the claimed home of Marco Polo and a pearl in the Adriatic! If you are traveling through Croatia this island is a must stop between Dubrovnik and Split. With beauty, adventure, shopping, and delicious food & wine, Korcula definitely showed me the this island life is for me!

Korcula Town: Little Dubrovnik

Known as “Little Dubrovnik,” due to it’s walled structure, Korcula Town is pictuesque and full of charm. You truly feel like you are stepping back into the time of Marco Polo. From it’s stone structure, to nautical and explorative vibe, Korcula amazed me at every turn. 

Biking Lombarda

From Korcula, you can rent bikes and ride to Lombarda, the Grk wine growing region of Korcula. It’s an approximately 10 mile (16km) bike route that takes you through the country side, small town, and vineyards. There are plenty of restaurants, local shops, and swimming spots along the route. We did the Self-Guided Instagram Tour from Korcula Explorer. It costs 12 Euros and they provided you a map of the route with marked points of interest with beautiful photo opportunities and a complimentary glass of wine at one of the Lombarda wineries. This was one of my favorite parts of my entire Croatia trip!

Grk: One of a Kind Wine

Grk is a dry white wine that can only be made and sold on Korcula. “Grk” in the Croatian language means bitter, and although it does live up to it’s name to an extent, I wouldn’t expect any puckering to happen after drinking this delicious wine. It’s a must try if you’re in Korcula, as it is literally one of a kind!

Crystal Clear Swimming

We’ve all seen those pictures of the crystal clear water that you picture yourself diving into. Well Korcula has just those picturesque waters. Go ahead, dive in!

Watch the Sunset From the Top of a Castle

Massimo Bar is a must stop in Korcula, but beware it is not for those significantly scared of heights. Located on the top of a castle tower replica at the tip of Old Town, visitors must climb a wooden ladder to get to the top. The views from the top are spectacular, and if you can snag a seat at sunset, you won’t be disappointed!

So if you are traveling through Croatia and want to experience the quiet, dreamy island life, Korcula is a must!

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